Frequently Asked Questions

About Maila Maternity


Why should I link my Apple HealthKit?

By linking your Apple HealthKit to Maila Maternity, the app can automatically analyze data you already collect from wearable devices and smart devices.

We never create a copy of your Apple HealthKit data. To view a record of your HealthKit data, you must visit your Apple Health app.

Why should I allow access to my calendar?

By linking your calendar to Maila Maternity, the app can automatically add recommended appointments that you schedule to your device’s main calendar.


How can I edit my due date?

You can change your expected due date by clicking “EDIT” on the right side under the pregnancy tracker bar.

You can calculate your due date by menstrual cycle, date of conception, or manual entry.

On the pregnancy calculator page, you can also report that your pregnancy has ended.

What can I expect in the "Made for You" section?

The “Made for You” section includes a combination of articles, podcasts, and/or videos relevant to your health conditions and where you are in the pregnancy or postpartum journey.

My Health

My condition is not listed. How can I request it be added?

If your condition is not yet on our list, please contact us via our website’s content request form.

We will do our best to expedite content for your condition(s) and will follow up by email once the new content goes live.


My medication is not listed. How can I request it be added?

If your medication is not yet on our list, please contact us via our website’s content request form.

We will do our best to expedite content for your medication(s) and will follow up by email once the new content goes live.

How can I track my medication adherence?

To report whether you took, skipped, or forgot your medication, click on the medication card. Then select the appropriate option. The corresponding symbol will then appear on the day’s medication card to remind you of the status.


How can I edit an item on my checklist?

To edit an item on your checklist, swipe left on the item. You will see a pencil icon to edit the item and a trash can to delete the item.

To add a new item, click on the three dots in the top right corner and then click “Add item to list.”

Why is there no support group for my condition?

Organizations that support people during pregnancy and postpartum submit their information voluntarily. This database is constantly growing as new organizations request to join.

If you know of an organization that supports people with your condition, you can request that they join the database by referring them to our support group webpage. You are also welcome to complete this form if you lead or work for a relevant organization.

Maila Maternity provides this information as a convenience to our users. We do not promote or endorse participation in any specific organization, charity, or foundation. We make every effort to ensure that the details for each entry are as current as possible, but this information is subject to change without notice.


I did not link my Apple HealthKit during the onboarding process. How can I link it later?

If you did not link your Apple HealthKit during the onboarding process, you can link it later through your iPhone’s settings.

Go to “Settings” “Health” “Data Access & Devices” “Maila Maternity”

From there, you can turn access on or off for different health variables that Maila Maternity requests to read or write.

For additional questions and support, please contact us at:

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Improving maternal and newborn health outcomes and experiences through meaningful innovation in digital health
